
7 ways to stay cool without air conditioning

Keeping cool in the hottest part of the summer can be challenging, especially as we have gotten so used to air conditioning that we have forgotten many of the options that used to be an everyday practice.

1. Air out the house overnight. In the evening as soon as the outside temperatures have dipped below the temp in the house open up the windows and doors and let the house air out. If it is safe to do so leave them open overnight.

2. Close up the house during the day. First thing in the morning close up the house and pull the blinds. Use of blackout curtains or heat-reflecting curtains are a great addition to keep the house cool and shady. Keep interior doors to the hottest rooms closed as well.

3. Keep door openings to a minimum. During the day try to keep door openings to a minimum so that cool air doesn’t escape. And if you must go in and out of the house, use doors on the shady side of the house if at all possible.

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