
Preparing for the second wave of Covid-19

The good news is that all the things put into place to slow the spread of the virus worked fairly well. People stayed at home, socially distanced when they couldn’t, wore masks, washed their hands, and tried to remember not to touch their faces. The curve was flattened and hospitals were not overwhelmed.

Then as summer approached and the restrictions were lessened people started traveling and gathering together in large groups again for a variety of reasons. And the number of positive tests for COVID19 started to go up prompting many state governors to institute restrictions that had not previously been in place.

Here are a few tips to help you stay healthy physically and mentally:

  1. Remain diligent about handwashing and using sanitizer when you can’t get to soap and water.
  2. Continue to social distance anywhere you aren’t likely to be able to stay six feet apart from someone not in your household. Especially if you are indoors.
  3. Wear a mask where mandated. Where there isn’t a rule or a request to wear one, consider wearing one indoors where you do not reasonably expect to be able to keep six feet away from others.
  4. If you are sick, stay home. This should always be the rule – don’t go to work, shopping, school etc…. if you are sick.
  5. Manage the expectations of yourself and your household in regards to when things might return to “normal”. Talk to your children about what the start of the school year might look like. Prepare them for the possibility of continued distance learning.
  6. While there is no need to hoard food or other essentials continue to stay ahead of your family’s needs in these areas by making wise purchases now. Consider adding some non-perishable foods intended for long term storage to your pantry.
  1. Continue to look for ways to stay connected to friends and family.  This may mean buying a camera for an older family member’s computer and patiently coaching them on how to join Zoom meetings or how to Facetime with the grandkids.
  2. Get outside! Sunshine and exercise help to improve mood so take advantage of it while it is here.
  3. If you were working at home temporarily due to the first round of quarantine, talk to your boss about continuing to do so for the foreseeable future.  If they are agreeable make your office space feel less temporary by getting quality lighting and seating.
  4. Learn to be more self-sufficient. Learning how to be more self-sufficient can also help you weather the second wave of COVID-19. For example, many people learned how to bake their own bread at home when they could no longer find bread in the grocery store. Others began cooking meals from scratch for the first time. You can take advantage of farmers’ markets and learn how to can fresh produce for yourself.

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