Homesteading: the ultimate in preparedness planning (part 2)
In part 1 we discussed why you may want to move away from the city. In part 2 we will...
In part 1 we discussed why you may want to move away from the city. In part 2 we will...
I was just watching a video that discussed a scenario where and EMP struck and they lead character had to...
Knowing how to start a fire is one thing; knowing how to do it in the rain is a whole...
With the weather in many parts of the country being so unpredictable this year during typical camping season we thought...
When hiking, camping, or just getting through daily life, there are always times when you need to clean up yourself,...
Earthquakes have been popping up lately in areas previously considered to have minimal to no seismic threat. So even if...
Cold process soap is made without any external heat applied to it, while hot process soap is most often cooked...
On a small scale, the riots we’ve observed over the past several years are windows into what a modern-day SHTF...
Isolation isn’t a natural state for many people. We are, for the most part, social animals. We enjoy each other’s...
To most civilians, and casual survivalists, a Slingshot is nothing more than a kids’ toy. It takes a real survivalist...
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