Tornados can strike anywhere – be prepared!
If you don’t live in “tornado alley” you probably haven’t given much thought to tornados, but you should. Tornados can...
If you don’t live in “tornado alley” you probably haven’t given much thought to tornados, but you should. Tornados can...
One of the most fundamental tenets for preppers and other self-defense minded folks is the reminder to “always keep your...
Regardless of your personal opinions, political stances, and beliefs about these issues; we can all agree that the threat of...
For many people when they hear the words “preparedness” or “prepper” they think only of stockpiling food and weapons. But...
The inconvenience of a short-term power outage can be lessened by being prepared. You don’t want to be scrambling around...
In most emergency situations, fresh drinking water is the most important item you can store. It is recommended to have...
The biggest threat after a major disaster is the spread of communicable disease(s). These can quickly ravage through a community...
Are you and your family prepared to stay home for weeks or months at a time if a severe pandemic...
Just like any other type of preparedness you need to think of the different scenarios you may be faced with...
Shelter in place means finding a safe location indoors and staying there until you are given an “all clear” or...
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