7 ways to stay cool without air conditioning
Keeping cool in the hottest part of the summer can be challenging, especially as we have gotten so used to...
Keeping cool in the hottest part of the summer can be challenging, especially as we have gotten so used to...
When hiking, camping, or just getting through daily life, there are always times when you need to clean up yourself,...
Earthquakes have been popping up lately in areas previously considered to have minimal to no seismic threat. So even if...
Cold process soap is made without any external heat applied to it, while hot process soap is most often cooked...
Rattlesnakes are not generally aggressive and will try to avoid humans when possible. Rattlesnakes strike when threatened or deliberately provoked,...
On a small scale, the riots we’ve observed over the past several years are windows into what a modern-day SHTF...
Isolation isn’t a natural state for many people. We are, for the most part, social animals. We enjoy each other’s...
To most civilians, and casual survivalists, a Slingshot is nothing more than a kids’ toy. It takes a real survivalist...
If you don’t live in “tornado alley” you probably haven’t given much thought to tornados, but you should. Tornados can...
One of the most fundamental tenets for preppers and other self-defense minded folks is the reminder to “always keep your...
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